Imagined Glassboro Mural Proposal: Fire in Glassboro

Location of Mural

Once I knew what my mural was going to portray, I knew there would only be one appropriate location for it.  My proposed mural would be on the wall of the Glassboro Fire Department that faces the Heritage Glass Museum, which stand on 27 and 25 High Street East, respectively.  In the middle of these buildings, we would revamp the small square yard and create a “glass garden” of sorts, where tourists or citizens that are interested in the history of Glassboro can go to appreciate the mural after visiting the Heritage Glass Museum.

I chose this location for the mural because the surrounding buildings best encompass every story that can be told by fire in Glassboro.  In the beginning, it was used to create beautiful glass pieces that are now invaluable, each telling its own story that was molded by fire.  Similarly, the Whitney Glass Factory once stood on the same ground, which shows the physical dangers of fire in the community.  Finally, the new firehouse shows how Glassboro has grown socially and emotionally as a result of fire.  Without fire, one could argue that there would be no Glassboro, as the town was originally created because of its access to glass-making materials.  In the modern day, without fire, the bonds shared between the citizens of Glassboro would be weaker.  When fire strikes, it is a tragedy, yet out of every bad situation grows a new opportunity, and the community-wide family that was created by the Glassboro Fire Department perfectly portrays this idea.

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