Imagined Glassboro Mural Proposal: HollybushMain MenuAbout the Imagined Glassboro Mural ProjectAbout the Cultural GeographerMural ProposalLocation of MuralReflectionReferencesJack Campanella28d30ba73edbbca09ab5f8c964b42437d19bdd12
1media/147 High Street-Front.jpg2019-10-04T14:24:13+00:00About the Cultural Geographer11plain2019-12-20T04:28:24+00:00
I am Jack Campanella and I am an electrical and computer engineering major in the Rowan University College of Engineering and a member of the Bantivoglio Honors Concentration in the Rowan University Honors College. I have always been interested in minute details and creating things from a young age and I like to think this passion grew from the fun I had playing with Legos. I am inspired to observe the finer details of what others have created so that I can understand the meaning and deeper message behind their work because it is something I try my best to replicate in my projects and a skill I hope to develop as time goes on. This lead to me to develop an interest in looking into the architecture of Glassboro and learning more about the smaller details to really understand what shaped the town. In my research I was able to find a wealth of information on the Hollybush mansion so I ultimately decided to focus my interest there. Finding information related to architectural plans as well as seeing the relationship between Rowan University and Glassboro today mirror the relationship between the Whitney’s and Glassboro years ago motivated me to communicate this information through my mural. I decided to focus more on the similarities between Rowan University and the Whitney’s because while I found many exciting architectural plans, there was not a substantial amount of information for me to make that the main focus of my mural but rather a secondary factor.